Rigdon & Blake Stables presents for sale
Top quality 8 yr old Hanoverian Mare with an exceptional show record schooling all the Grand Prix!
Delilah is 16.3 by Dr. Watson out a Wolkenstein II mare.
Her show highlights include:
75.7% Prix St. George
77% FEl 7 yr old and went on to finish 6th overall at Festival of Champions.
Reserve Champion FEl 6 yr old division Festival of Champions placing first in the final test with an 8.12!
8.18 FEl 4 old test
I imported Delilah as a 3 yr old from Germany with 30 days under saddle. I have had the pleasure of training her ever since. She is a very sweet and affectionate mare that is easy going and laid back at home, but LOVES to show off at competitions.
She truly loves to be a show horse!
Delilah has remarkable talent for trot half passes and extensions. She is very light in the bridle and comfortable to sit.
Contact David
⭐️ $0-$50k ⭐️⭐️$50k-$100k ⭐️⭐️⭐️$100k-$150k ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️$150k-$250k ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️$250k+

About Rigdon & Blake Stabes